
Agenda Item 49 


Subject:                    Oppose academisation of our schools


Date of meeting:    19 October 2023


Proposer:                 Councillor Shanks

Seconder:                Councillor Hill


Ward(s) affected:   All



Notice of Motion


Green Group



This council notes:


1)    The proposals put forward by the Board of Governors at Benfield and Hangleton Primary Schools respectively that seek to convert these schools into an academy managed by an external Trust.


2)    Concerns raised by local Trade Unions that staff opinion has not been sufficiently considered; and additional concerns around the length of time provided for consultation on the matter.


3)    That this council and city has previously stood in steadfast opposition to academisation, including via a successful ballot of parents at Hove Park school that returned 91% opposition, and notes the achievements of our family of schools and the benefits of staying within the local authority.


Therefore, resolves to:


4)    Request the Chair of the Children Families & Skills Committee to ask the schools to pause the consultation and conduct an urgent ballot of parents and carers of children at Hangleton and Benfield Primaries on whether they are in favour or oppose the conversion of the school to an academy trust selected by Govenors.

5)    Affirm this council’s opposition to the policy of academisation, that allows for back-door privatisation of local schools and the erosion of accountability in education; continue to support community campaigners challenging the policy of academization.


6)    Request officers to consider the support that can be offered to the schools to address concerns that led to this proposal.